Alice and Salty

1.      How old were you when you when you first started riding?

My mummy took me for a riding lesson for my 3rd Birthday, but I was four when I got my own pony. My first pony was a super cool Shetland pony called Delilah. She was very cuddly and cheeky but so much fun!

2.      Can you tell us a bit about Salty?     

I have had Salty for 3 years he has been AMAZING. He is a 12hh grey 7-year-old Dartmoor pony with the cutest face. He loves giving me kisses and cuddles, jumping and hunting. He is a bit of a clown and throws his bucket out of the stable, he likes to take my hat off and undo my zips. He sometimes takes the hose pipe off me and gives me a shower. Salty is an escape artist and must have two lots of extra fencing.  He is my best friend and the best pony in the world!

3.      What is your biggest achievement so far?

My first one day event where we came 2nd and coming 2nd at the Area ­­tetrathlon.

4.      What disciplines do you ride in at the minute?

 I like to do lots of different things with Salty, so he doesn’t get bored as he has to work hard to keep him slim. The competitions we do are:

60cm and 70cm show jumping classes


Dressage prelim


We also do lots of hacking and some in hand work and I like riding bareback on the lunge when there is not much time after school

5.      Do you have any other hobbies/if you didn’t ride horses what other activity would you do?

I compete in Micro Team Gym classes which is tumbling, trampette and vaulting.  If I didn’t ride I would like to do dog agility.

6.      If you could spend a day with any equestrian, who would it be and what do you think you would do?

I would love to spend the day with either Piggy March or Pippa Funnell.  I really enjoy reading Pippa Funnell’s story books they are exciting, and you learn things at the same time. I could help with the mucking out and grooming and I would love to watch them ride and ask a few questions.  I would love a lesson from them on Salty.

7.      Which famous horse would you like most to ride?

Valegro as he looks so kind as well as being very fancy and has lovely floppy big ears.

8.      When you aren’t at school or riding what could we find you doing to chill out?

 To chill out I watch Heartlands which is on a ranch in Canada about a horse whisperer called Amy who saves lots of troubled horses and finds out what each horse wants to be doing. I also like reading and playing with my schleich stables.

9.      What is your favourite……...

Colour?       Green

Food?          I like most food a lot

Drink?          Water       

Holiday destination?  Canada

Movie?       It is not a a movie but I love Heartlands

Disney character? Dumbo

10.   What does Salty get up to while you are at school?

I feed him in the morning and turn him out before I go to school, he normally has a big role and a run and buck around. Then when I am at school he eats and eats and eats. He plays with his friend Harley and sometimes has a sleep.

11.  If you and Salty could ride anywhere in the world where would you go? 

Canada as the hacking looks outstanding.

12.  What is Salty’s favourite thing to do? 

Salty is generally a very happy boy doing everything. He loves getting lots of fuss and cuddles but also likes being free in the field playing with his big friend Harley and eating. Riding wise his favourite is fun hacking with friends and jumping.

13.  What are your goals for this coming season?

To keep improving. I would love to do more one-day events and go on a beach ride with Mummy and on some fun rides.  Keeping Super Salty fit and fast.

14.  Does salty like cuddles before or after he has had his OceanFeed Equine? 

Every morning he does kisses on my face then I feed him and he plays with his bowl and then we have cuddles before I turn him out.

15.   What difference do you think OceanFeed Equine has made to Salty?

It has made his tummy feel a lot better so now he is much more forward going and enjoys his work more, and no longer has to buck to get into canter.   He is now much trimmer and has no fat pads, his feet grow very fast and look really strong. He is currently shod but we will probably try him without shoes again soon. He has also benefited greatly from Marion’s Bowen treatments and all her feeding advice.